2015年4月21日 星期二

[C#] Post-Build event command line

Copy file(s) from one project to another using post build event

Visual Studio provides customized cmd script functions after Building solution.

Project->Property->Build Events->Post-Build event command line:

copy "$(SolutionDir)xxx.xml" "$(TargetDir)xxx.xml"

如上設置,可指定將Solotion Item的檔案一同複製一份至Project out folder

[C#] Set version for all projects in one solution

C# version for all projects in one solution

  1. Create an new "VersionInfo.cs" in solution item
  2. Clear its content
  3. Copy content of  one of your "AssemblyInfo.cs" in your project to "VersionInfo.cs" (Modify the content if you want)
  4. Clear content of all "AssemblyInfo.cs" in all projects
  5. Add Link to the "VersionInfo.cs" in each of your projects

2015年4月15日 星期三

VIM Settings for Visual Studio 2008

Vi Tool

ViEmu (Install-ViEmuVS-3.0.6.exe)

Key Binding
Tool->Option->General->KeyBoard 設定

View.NavigateBackward (Ctrl + T)
Edit.GoToDefinition (Ctrl+])


Tool->Import and Export Settings 設定

coding-instinct-theme_vs2008.vssettings (網路上找尋自己想要的)
